Sunshade Trim Sub-Assembly

The Sunshade Trim Sub-Assembly (#633060A040C1) is a vital component in the Body/Roof Headlining & Silencer Pad systems of a Toyota vehicle. Positioned on the interior roof, it operates by protecting against direct sunlight and reducing noise levels, ensuring a comfortable and peaceful ride. Within this assembly, key elements work together to provide optimal operation. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like other components, the Sunshade Trim Sub-Assembly (#633060A040C1) can deteriorate or break over time, impacting its functional capacity. A malfunctioning or worn-out sunshade trim might lead to increased cabin noise and discomfort due to sunlight exposure. Therefore, periodic replacement is advised to maintain its effectiveness. This part significantly contributes to the overall comfort and noise insulation of the vehicle, enhancing the driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 63306-0A040-C1
Color Name Black

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