
About this product

As a Drive-Chassis part, the Tube (#90441-05001) plays a pivotal role in the Transfer Case & Extension Housing system of a Toyota vehicle. It primarily functions to convey fluid efficiently within the system, facilitating smooth and steady operations. This component interacts with various other parts within its system, such as seals and bearings, ensuring seamless fluid transmission. The Tube (#90441-05001)'s integrity is crucial, and it requires regular replacement as a part of the vehicle's maintenance routine. If left unchecked, an old or clogged Tube (#90441-05001) could impede fluid flow, potentially leading to system malfunction or damage. Using genuine Toyota parts, like the Tube (#90441-05001), not only maintains vehicle compatibility but also comes with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the broader context, the Tube (#90441-05001) significantly contributes to the overall performance and safety of the vehicle by maintaining the health of the Transfer Case & Extension Housing system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90406-T0007
Part Number 90441-05001

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