Airconditioner Tube & Accessory Assembly

About this product

The Airconditioner Tube & Accessory Assembly (#88710-07040), an integral component within the Electrical part in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system in Toyota vehicles, plays an essential role in maintaining optimal vehicle temperature. As air travels through the tube, it is cooled down before being dispersed throughout the cabin, providing a comfortable environment for passengers and drivers alike. When this part becomes compromised, it can result in inefficient cooling, leading to discomfort within the vehicle. Regular replacement of the Airconditioner Tube & Accessory Assembly (#88710-07040) is thus critical for maintaining the vehicle's overall climate control performance. Genuine Toyota parts are not only compatible with your vehicle but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing additional peace of mind. Ultimately, the Airconditioner Tube & Accessory Assembly (#88710-07040) significantly contributes to the vehicle's efficiency and overall safety, creating a comfortable and safe driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88710-07040

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