Fuel Suction Tube Assembly with Pump without Gauge

About this product

The Fuel Suction Tube Assembly with Pump without Gauge (#77020-0R020), a key component in the Toyota Fuel Tank & Tube system, plays a critical role in fuel delivery. This assembly, comprised of a pump and a suction tube, helps transport fuel from the tank to the engine. As the engine runs, the pump draws fuel through the suction tube and pushes it towards the engine. To preserve the optimal functioning of your vehicle, it's necessary to periodically replace this assembly. Old or malfunctioning assemblies can become clogged or break, potentially disrupting fuel flow and impacting the overall performance of your vehicle. Using genuine Toyota parts ensures compatibility and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Fuel Suction Tube Assembly with Pump without Gauge (#77020-0R020) contributes significantly to the efficiency of the vehicle's fuel system, maintaining consistent performance, and enhancing the safety of your ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 77020-0R020

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