Differential Gear Lube Apply Tube

About this product

The Differential Gear Lube Apply Tube (#35882-73010), a Drive-Chassis part in Toyota's Valve Body & Oil Strainer (Atm) system, holds a crucial role in lubricating the differential gear. This Tube accurately directs lubricant to the differential gears, reducing friction and heat generation during operation. Utilizing genuine Toyota parts facilitates optimum vehicle compatibility and comes with Toyota's parts warranty. Over time, this tube can become clogged or deteriorated, impeding the proper distribution of lube. Neglecting this part's replacement can result in poor lubrication, leading to increased friction, overheating, and potential gear damage. In conclusion, the Differential Gear Lube Apply Tube (#35882-73010) significantly contributes to the overall efficiency of the system, ensuring smooth and efficient vehicle operation. It is a testament to Toyota's commitment to safety and performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35882-73010

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