Tube Elcm

About this product

The Tube Elcm (#SU003-01087) is a vital component in the Fuel Tank & Tube system. As a body part, it primarily directs and transports fuel, contributing greatly to the efficient operation of the vehicle. Genuine parts like the Tube Elcm (#SU003-01087) are essential to vehicle compatibility. Using genuine Toyota Autoparts, including the Tube Elcm (#SU003-01087), provides assurance of receiving a part backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As with any auto part, the Tube Elcm (#SU003-01087) needs to be periodically replaced to maintain optimal vehicle performance. If this part becomes old, clogged, or broken, it could potentially cause fuel flow issues which can impact the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle. By ensuring the Tube Elcm (#SU003-01087) is always in good working condition, you can maintain your vehicle's fuel efficiency and safety standards.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01087

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