Fuel Tank To Canister Tube #2

The Fuel Tank To Canister Tube #2 (#772620C200), a key component within Toyota's Body/Fuel Tank & Tube system, primarily serves as a conduit for fuel vapors. As fuel evaporates in the tank, these vapors are transported via the tube to the canister, where they are stored until the engine can safely burn them off. Using genuine Toyota parts ensures vehicle compatibility, and this particular part is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. With time, this tube can become clogged or damaged. This could lead to the inefficient storage and burning off of fuel vapors, possibly resulting in performance issues or the emission of harmful substances. Regular replacement of the Fuel Tank To Canister Tube #2 (#772620C200) is therefore recommended, contributing substantially to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's fuel system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 77262-0C200

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