Oil Cooler Tube Outlet

About this product

The Oil Cooler Tube Outlet (#32922-60371), a Drive-Chassis part, plays an integral role in the Transaxle or Transmission Assy & Gasket Kit (Atm) system within a Toyota vehicle. It assists in maintaining optimal transmission fluid temperatures, leading to enhanced vehicle performance and longevity. As transmission fluid travels through system, the tube outlet helps dissipate excess heat, thereby preventing overheating and potential transmission fluid breakdown. Over time, this crucial part may wear out or become blocked, necessitating its replacement. If ignored, it could impede fluid flow, causing the transmission to run hotter than normal, which could potentially lead to costly damage. Using genuine Toyota parts like the Oil Cooler Tube Outlet (#32922-60371) ensures compatibility with your vehicle and offers peace of mind as it's supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The proper functioning of this part significantly contributes to the system efficiency and overall vehicle safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 32922-0G010;32922-60401;35000-6A140
Part Number 32922-60371

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