Overdrive Brake Tube

About this product

The Overdrive Brake Tube (#35892-28020), a Drive-Chassis part in the Valve Body & Oil Strainer (Atm) system, plays a critical role in delivering pressure to the overdrive brake, ensuring accurate transmission shifts for Toyota vehicles. It functions by transmitting hydraulic fluid within the system, regulating the overdrive during vehicle operation. As a vital component, the Overdrive Brake Tube (#35892-28020) should be periodically replaced. If it becomes old, clogged, or broken, pressure transmission could be compromised, leading to inaccurate shift responses or even transmission failure. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the broader scheme, the Overdrive Brake Tube (#35892-28020) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle by maintaining the optimal operation of the transmission system, thus providing a smooth and reliable driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 35892-14010
Part Number 35892-28020

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