Tube Purge Us

About this product

The Tube Purge Us (#SU003-10572), as a critical component in the Fuel Tank & Tube system, plays a significant role in managing the release of fuel vapors in a Toyota vehicle. It transports the vapors from the canister to the engine intake manifold for combustion, ensuring that harmful emissions aren't released into the environment. Genuine Toyota parts like the Tube Purge Us (#SU003-10572) offer superior compatibility, providing seamless integration and peak performance. Remember that these authentic parts enjoy the protection of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like most car parts, the Tube Purge Us (#SU003-10572) requires periodic replacement. If it becomes clogged, broken, or non-functional, it can lead to a build-up of fuel vapors, possibly causing loss of fuel economy or triggering the check engine light. The Tube Purge Us (#SU003-10572) significantly contributes to the vehicle's fuel efficiency and environmental safety by managing and reducing harmful emissions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-10572

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