Air Tube Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Air Tube Sub-Assembly (#17303-38120), a crucial Engine-Fuel part in Toyota's Manifold Air Injection System, is entrusted with the vital role of directing clean air into the exhaust manifold. This process aids in reducing harmful emissions and enhances engine performance. Genuine parts like this not only provide vehicle compatibility but also fall under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Air Tube Sub-Assembly (#17303-38120) can become clogged or fail, impairing its function. If neglected, this can lead to increased harmful emissions, reduced engine efficiency, and potentially severe engine damage. Therefore, periodic replacement is critical. In conclusion, a well-functioning Air Tube Sub-Assembly (#17303-38120) not only contributes to emission regulation but also promotes engine efficiency and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 17303-38120

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