
About this product

The Union (#90404-16160), an essential Engine-Fuel component within the Cylinder Head system, is primarily responsible for connecting various parts of the system. This part facilitates the smooth and seamless operations of the system. As the Union (#90404-16160) is constantly functioning, it is critical to replace it periodically. Genuine parts from Toyota Autoparts ensure perfect compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As the Union (#90404-16160) ages, it may become clogged or broken which can severely impede the functionality of the Cylinder Head system. An old or non-functional Union (#90404-16160) could lead to system inefficiencies, potentially causing the car to stall, or even worse, fail completely. In conclusion, a well-functioning Union (#90404-16160) significantly contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the Cylinder Head system. It ensures that all parts are linked correctly, promoting optimal performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90404-54092;90404-16092;90404-16303;90404-16315
Part Number 90404-16160

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