
About this product

The Union (#90405-10034), a vital component in the Cylinder Block system of the Engine-Fuel part category, is designed to facilitate the seamless flow of fuel within the engine. It connects various parts of the fuel system, allowing for efficient distribution and utilization of fuel. Notably, using genuine Toyota Union (#90405-10034) parts assures vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of the Union (#90405-10034) is crucial. As the Union (#90405-10034) ages or becomes clogged, the fuel supply to the engine can be disrupted, leading to decreased engine performance and, potentially, complete engine failure. Lastly, a well-maintained Union (#90405-10034) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the cylinder block system, ensuring optimal fuel usage and maintaining the safety of the vehicle's operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90405-10034

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