3-2 Kick Down Orifice Control Valve

About this product

The 3-2 Kick Down Orifice Control Valve (#35489-36010), a Drive-Chassis part in the Valve Body & Oil Strainer (Atm) system, plays a significant role in managing the hydraulic pressure in automatic transmissions. While the vehicle is in operation, this control valve regulates the shift timing between third and second gears, supporting a seamless driving experience. However, over time, this valve may become worn, clogged, or non-functional, which can lead to erratic gear changes, thereby impacting the vehicle's performance. It is thus crucial to periodically replace this component with genuine Toyota Autoparts for optimal compatibility and performance. These genuine parts are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In sum, the 3-2 Kick Down Orifice Control Valve (#35489-36010) is a vital component that contributes to the overall efficiency of the transmission system, significantly enhancing your driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35489-36010

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