Cam Timing Oil Control Valve Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Cam Timing Oil Control Valve Assembly Left Hand (#15340-0A010) is a pivotal component in Toyota's Engine-Fuel part category, specifically within the Cylinder Head system. This assembly regulates the flow of oil to the camshaft of the engine, influencing valve timing and ultimately contributing to the engine's efficiency and power output. If this component becomes aged, clogged, or broken, the engine's timing can be thrown off, potentially leading to decreased fuel efficiency, performance and even engine damage. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended for optimum compatibility with your vehicle. By choosing genuine parts, customers can also benefit from Toyota's robust parts warranty. In essence, the Cam Timing Oil Control Valve Assembly Left Hand (#15340-0A010) upholds the engine's overall efficiency and safety, playing a crucial role in the smooth and reliable operation of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 15340-20010;15340-20011
Part Number 15340-0A010

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