Magnet Valve Assembly

About this product

The Magnet Valve Assembly (#88690-60280) is a crucial electrical component within the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system in a Toyota vehicle. Its primary role is to control the flow of refrigerant through the system, thereby regulating the temperature within the vehicle. Operating in sync with sensors, this assembly opens or closes based on the cooling demand. But, like any other part, it can wear out over time. A malfunctioning Magnet Valve Assembly (#88690-60280) could affect temperature control, causing discomfort, potentially even damage to the system. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is key. Not only do genuine parts offer the right compatibility with your Toyota, they come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, a working Magnet Valve Assembly (#88690-60280) contributes significantly to the overall comfort and efficiency of your vehicle's heating and cooling system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88690-60280

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