Oil Cooler Relief Valve Assembly

About this product

The Oil Cooler Relief Valve Assembly (#15690-50010) is a critical part in the engine-fuel category of the Oil Filter system in Toyota vehicles. This assembly plays a vital role in regulating oil pressure, allowing it to circulate through the cooler when pressure thresholds are exceeded. It performs a two-pronged function; it secures the motor from potential damage due to excessive oil pressure and ensures the oil cools down properly. In both ways, the valve is essential to maintain the functionality and efficiency of the engine. The assembly also has a lifespan and must be replaced at regular intervals. A worn-out or malfunctioning valve can lead to inadequate cooling, which can cause significant damage to the engine. Genuine Toyota parts are compatible with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, enhancing their value and reliability. In conclusion, the Oil Cooler Relief Valve Assembly (#15690-50010) is key to the optimal operation of the engine, contributing significantly to its safety and efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 15690-50010

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