Vacuum Switching Valve Assembly

About this product

The Vacuum Switching Valve Assembly (#25860-0A010), a critical part of Toyota's Air Cleaner system in the Engine-Fuel category, plays a pivotal role in controlling the engine's vacuum supply. This genuine Toyota part manages the flow of vacuum to the various vacuum-operated devices within the engine system. When the valve detects a need for vacuum, it opens, allowing vacuum to flow to the necessary components. However, over time, the Vacuum Switching Valve Assembly (#25860-0A010) may become old or blocked, limiting its performance. If this occurs, the vacuum supply could become inconsistent, disrupting optimal engine operation and potentially causing damage to the engine. Alterations in fuel efficiency and engine performance may signal a compromised Vacuum Switching Valve Assembly (#25860-0A010). Genuine Toyota parts are designed for compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of the Vacuum Switching Valve Assembly (#25860-0A010) helps maintain the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's engine system, providing you with continued reliable performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 25860-20040
Part Number 25860-0A010

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