Low Modulator Valve

About this product

The Low Modulator Valve (#35445-36010), a Drive-Chassis part in the Valve Body & Oil Strainer (Atm) system, plays a vital role in controlling the fluid pressure in the vehicle's automatic transmission. As the vehicle is in operation, this valve adjusts the hydraulic pressure based on engine speed and load, ensuring smooth gear shifts. Like any other part, the Low Modulator Valve (#35445-36010) can age and become clogged or damaged, impeding its performance. This can result in hard or erratic shifts, potentially damaging the transmission. Therefore, it's imperative to replace this part when necessary with genuine Toyota parts for optimal compatibility. These genuine parts are protected by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Low Modulator Valve (#35445-36010) contributes significantly to the transmission's efficiency and the overall safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35445-36010

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