Stabilizer Cont Adapter Shutter Valve

About this product

The Stabilizer Cont Adapter Shutter Valve (#48867-60010), a crucial Drive-Chassis component in the Front Spring & Shock Absorber system, is tasked with maintaining a balance in the vehicle's motion. This auto part functions by regulating the distribution of pressure in the vehicle's suspension system, maintaining a stable and comfortable ride. Old or nonfunctional Stabilizer Cont Adapter Shutter Valve (#48867-60010)s could cause an imbalance in the vehicle's motion, leading to uncomfortable, unsafe driving conditions and potential damage to the vehicle's suspension system. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended to maintain vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacement of this part is necessary over time due to wear and tear. The efficiency of your car's Front Spring & Shock Absorber system, and by extension, the overall safety and stability of your vehicle, depends on the proper functioning of the Stabilizer Cont Adapter Shutter Valve (#48867-60010).
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48867-60010

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