Suction Service Valve

About this product

The Suction Service Valve (#88371-60390), an essential part of the Heating & Air Conditioning - Compressor system in a Toyota vehicle, primarily manages the flow of compressed refrigerant. The valve opens and closes based on the needs of the system, allowing the refrigerant to flow when needed and halt when the system is sufficiently cooled. This valve, like other parts in the compressor system, may deteriorate over time. If it becomes clogged, old, or broken, the air conditioning system might fail to cool properly. Over time, this can lead to higher fuel consumption, uncomfortable cabin temperatures, and even potential damage to other parts of your vehicle. Notably, choosing Toyota's genuine parts, such as the Suction Service Valve (#88371-60390), enhances vehicle compatibility. Plus, these parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, a well-functioning Suction Service Valve (#88371-60390) ensures your vehicle's air conditioning system operates efficiently, thus promoting overall vehicle performance and comfort.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88371-60390

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