Vacuum Switching Valve

About this product

The Vacuum Switching Valve (#90910-AC002) (VSV), a crucial part in Toyota's Engine-Fuel Air Cleaner and Vacuum Piping systems, plays a pivotal role in managing the engine's vacuum supply. When the engine is running, the VSV operates to control and direct the flow of vacuum to various parts of the vehicle. This functioning is essential for the efficient running of your engine and the vehicle's overall performance. Genuine VSVs from Toyota offer optimal compatibility with your vehicle, enhancing its efficiency. These parts are also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Vacuum Switching Valve (#90910-AC002) may become clogged or damaged, necessitating its replacement. Failure to replace a non-functional VSV could lead to inefficient engine performance and reduced fuel efficiency. The VSV's role in maintaining optimal engine operation thus contributes to your vehicle's overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90910-12088
Part Number 90910-AC002

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