Crankshaft Thrust Washer Set O/S 0.125

About this product

The Crankshaft Thrust Washer Set O/S 0.125 (#11012-22011), a vital Engine-Fuel part within the Crankshaft & Piston system, performs the crucial role of maintaining the correct axial position of the crankshaft in your Toyota vehicle. This auto part, made genuine by Toyota, provides a surface for the crankshaft to push against, keeping it from moving too far forward or backward while operating. If this component becomes worn or damaged, it can lead to crankshaft movement that may result in engine damage. To maintain optimal engine performance and longevity, it's necessary for periodic replacement. Using genuine Toyota parts not only provides perfect compatibility but also supports the genuine parts warranty from Toyota. By maintaining the crankshaft's axial position, the Crankshaft Thrust Washer Set contributes to the engine's efficiency and safety, preventing unnecessary wear and mechanical issues.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 11012-22011

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