5th Gear Thrust Washer

About this product

The 5th Gear Thrust Washer (#33346-71010), a key component within Toyota's Transmission Gear (Mtm) system, primarily serves to manage axial movements and reduce friction between the rotating parts. As the vehicle operates, the washer supports the 5th gear, preventing it from rubbing against other components, thereby minimizing wear and tear. With time, this part may wear down or break, potentially disrupting the smooth operation of the transmission gear. This could lead to increased friction, resulting in costly damages. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is essential for maintaining system compatibility and performance. These genuine parts not only uphold Toyota's commitment to quality, but they're also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the efficient operation of the 5th Gear, the Thrust Washer contributes significantly to the overall performance and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 33346-0K020;33346-35020
Part Number 33346-71010

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