
About this product

The Washer (#90099-01496), an integral component of Toyota's Fuel Injection System, plays a critical role in the smooth and efficient operation of the engine. As the engine runs, the Washer (#90099-01496) maintains the perfect seal in the fuel system, preventing any leakage and ensuring optimal fuel pressure. As with any component exposed to constant pressure and heat, the Washer (#90099-01496) can wear down over time. This can compromise its effectiveness, potentially leading to fuel leaks and a drop in engine performance. Therefore, it is crucial to replace your Washer (#90099-01496) periodically with a genuine Toyota part. Genuine Toyota parts offer a perfect fit with your vehicle, enhancing compatibility, and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining your vehicle with genuine Toyota parts, you're contributing to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle. A functional Washer (#90099-01496) assures a stable fuel supply, which in turn, guarantees efficient engine operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90099-01012
Part Number 90099-01496

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