
About this product

The Washer (#90209-25001), a Drive-Chassis part located in the Transfer Gear system, plays an essential role in distributing the load of threaded fasteners. This auto part aids in reducing friction, preventing leakage, maintaining tension and driving power smoothly. As a genuine Toyota part, the Washer (#90209-25001) is designed to fit perfectly in Toyota vehicles and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, Wear and tear can lead to its malfunction thereby reducing its efficiency. If the Washer (#90209-25001) becomes old, broken, or non-functional, it could cause irregular transmission of power, leaks and potential damage to other parts of the Transfer Gear system. By ensuring a smooth and steady transfer of power, the Washer (#90209-25001) significantly contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the Toyota vehicle. Regular replacement of this part is crucial to maintaining the vehicle's optimal performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90209-25001

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