Claw Washer

About this product

The Claw Washer (#90214-16010), a vital auto part in the Drive-Chassis Front Axle Hub, Rear Axle Shaft & Hub, and Rear Spring & Shock Absorber systems, plays a central role in securing components and distributing the load evenly. As the name suggests, this washer exhibits "claw" features that dig into the components, helping to maintain a solid, secure connection during the vehicle's operation. This genuine Toyota part not only offers compatibility with vehicles, but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the claw washer may wear out or break, and when this happens, it can cause the connected components to loosen. This can lead to an unstable ride, decreased vehicle performance, and potential safety risks. Periodic replacement of the claw washer ensures the continued efficient operation of your Toyota vehicle, contributing to the overall safety and performance of the system it is installed in.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90214-16010

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