Clutch Drum Washer

About this product

The Clutch Drum Washer (#SU003-03494), a key component in the Brake Band & Multiple Disc Clutch (Atm) system, plays a critical role in maintaining the performance and safety of your Toyota vehicle. As part of the Drive-Chassis, it helps in the smooth transition between gears, assisting the clutch drum in distributing force evenly across the system. This component, though small, undergoes a lot of pressure and friction over time, which can lead to wear and tear. Failure to replace a worn or failing Clutch Drum Washer (#SU003-03494) can result in poor gear shifting, and in worst scenarios, complete transmission failure. Genuine Toyota parts are made specifically for Toyota vehicles, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance. Additionally, these parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing an extra layer of protection to your investment. In conclusion, the Clutch Drum Washer (#SU003-03494) is crucial for the safe and efficient operation of the Clutch system, making its upkeep essential to the overall performance and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03494

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