Front Wiper Link Washer with Packing

About this product

The Front Wiper Link Washer with Packing (#85152-47010), an electrical component within the Windshield Wiper system, is a pivotal auto part produced by Toyota Autoparts. This part is responsible for the smooth operation of the wiper system. It supports the linkage between the motor and wiper blades, enabling the wipers to move back and forth uniformly. Over time, wear and tear could compromise the efficiency of this part. If it breaks or becomes non-functional, the wipers might not work correctly, posing a safety risk especially in adverse weather conditions. That's why periodic replacement is vital. Toyota's genuine parts, like this Front Wiper Link Washer with Packing (#85152-47010), are designed with vehicle compatibility and longevity in mind. These parts are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering customers added peace of mind. The efficient operation of this part significantly contributes to the safety aspect of the vehicle, especially during heavy rains and snowfall.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85152-47010

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