Washer Kit

About this product

The Washer Kit (#SU003-03923) is a critical Drive-Chassis component within the Transmission Gear (Mtm) system. Its primary role is to maintain proper spacing and facilitate smooth operation of the system. It functions by offering support to the gear system and providing a buffer between the components, reducing friction and wear. Consistent use of the Washer Kit (#SU003-03923) can lead to wear and tear. When old or damaged, it can cause slackness in the gear system, leading to poor vehicle performance or even system failure. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is essential for vehicle compatibility and optimal system performance. All genuine Toyota parts, including the Washer Kit (#SU003-03923), come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This Washer Kit (#SU003-03923) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the Transmission Gear system, making driving safer and more enjoyable.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03923

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