Planetary Washer 2

About this product

The Planetary Washer 2 (#SU003-03496), an integral auto part in the Drive-Chassis Brake Band & Multiple Disc Clutch (Automatic Transmission) system, is also employed in the Drive-Chassis Planetary Gear, Reverse Piston & Counter Gear (Automatic Transmission) system. Its main function is to provide a smooth interaction between the rotating elements within these systems, reducing friction and ensuring stable performance. Components such as this, although small, are absolutely crucial to the operation of your vehicle. If the Planetary Washer 2 (#SU003-03496) becomes old, clogged, or broken, it could impede the function of the whole system, leading to severe damage and costly repairs. Therefore, periodic replacement is recommended. By choosing genuine Toyota parts, like the Planetary Washer 2 (#SU003-03496), you'll benefit from optimal vehicle compatibility and the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the system in which it is installed, preserving the longevity and reliability of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03496

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