Planetary Ring Gear Thrust Washer

About this product

The Planetary Ring Gear Thrust Washer (#35726-12010), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Transaxle Assy(Cvt) system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining stability and balance within the system. This washer ensures that the planetary gears, which rotate the vehicle's wheels, can do so smoothly and without friction. It's essentially a barrier between the gears, preventing them from grinding against each other and causing wear and tear. Like any other part, the Planetary Ring Gear Thrust Washer (#35726-12010) can age, break, or fail to function efficiently. When this happens, it can lead to increased friction, causing the gears to wear down prematurely. This can result in a loss of power transmission and potentially serious damage to the gear system. Toyota genuine parts like this washer are designed to perfectly fit your vehicle, enhancing compatibility and overall performance. Plus, Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs them, offering you added peace of mind. In conclusion, the Planetary Ring Gear Thrust Washer (#35726-12010) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the vehicle by reducing friction within the gear system, enhancing the smoothness of vehicle operation, and prolonging the lifespan of the gears.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 35726-12010

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