Plate Washer

About this product

The Plate Washer (#9020108011), a crucial part under the categories of Engine-Fuel/Mounting and Engine-Fuel/Alternator, serves a pivotal role in securing engine parts and maintaining system stability. Specifically, it disperses the load of a nut or bolt over a larger area, reducing stress and preventing damage or wear on the vehicle parts it secures. Over time, the Plate Washer (#9020108011) can wear down or break, making the parts it secures prone to vibrational damage and slippage. In these situations, replacement with a genuine Toyota Plate Washer (#9020108011) is essential, as it provides optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Additionally, Toyota's genuine parts warranty supports your purchase. Ultimately, the Plate Washer (#9020108011) contributes to the system's overall efficiency by securely fastening key components, thereby reducing wear and enhancing safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90201-08011

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