Plate Washer

About this product

The Plate Washer (#90201-14010) is a crucial Drive-Chassis component in Toyota's Front Steering Gear & Link system. This part primarily functions by distributing the load of a threaded fastener, such as a screw or nut, across a larger area, effectively reducing the risk of damage to the surface being fastened. Over time, as the Plate Washer (#90201-14010) experiences wear and tear, it may lose its functionality and could potentially lead to steering instability. The replacement of a Plate Washer (#90201-14010) is paramount, as a broken or non-functional part can contribute to system inefficiency, and in extreme cases, pose safety risks. Using genuine Toyota parts not only supports vehicle compatibility but is also backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty. In conclusion, a well-functioning Plate Washer (#90201-14010) is instrumental in maintaining the overall efficiency and safety of the Front Steering Gear & Link system, emphasizing the importance of timely replacements with genuine Toyota parts.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90201-14010

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