Plate Washer

About this product

The Plate Washer (#90201-16013), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Transmission Case & Oil Pan (Atm) system under Toyota Autoparts, serves a primary role in securing and distributing the load of a nut or bolt. It lies beneath these fasteners, ensuring they don't loosen and providing a smooth surface for movement. Genuine Plate Washer (#90201-16013)s are essential for optimal vehicle compatibility and are protected by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of the Plate Washer (#90201-16013) is essential. Over time, wear and tear can cause this part to break or become non-functional, which can weaken the transmission system. If this happens, it could lead to poor vehicle performance or even system failure. By maintaining the integrity of the Transmission Case & Oil Pan system, the Plate Washer (#90201-16013) plays a vital role in maintaining the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90201-16013

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