Plate Washer

About this product

The Plate Washer (#90201-22010), a critical component in the Cylinder Head system of Toyota's Engine-Fuel category, helps secure the cylinder heads in place. As a part of the engine assembly, it mediates the pressure applied to the cylinder head, providing uniform distribution and preventing any potential damage or deformation. Genuine Toyota Plate Washer (#90201-22010)s offer optimal compatibility and performance, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, however, the Plate Washer (#90201-22010) can wear out or fracture due to the constant pressure and heat it endures. When this happens, it could lead to a misalignment or looseness of the cylinder head, causing engine inefficiency or even a breakdown. The Plate Washer (#90201-22010) is essential for the overall safety and efficiency of the engine, ensuring a smooth and reliable operation. Regular replacement of this part is highly recommended to maintain optimal engine performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11101-64021;11101-64010;11101-64050;11101-64011;11101-64012;11101-64020;11101-64022;11101-64030;11101-64031;11101-64040;11101-64041;11101-64280;11101-64300;15710-74020;11101-64051;11101-64060;11101-64061;11101-64070;11101-64071;11101-64080;11101-64090;11101-64091;11101-64100;11101-64110;11101-64111;11101-64120;11101-64121;11101-64122;11101-64130;11101-64131;11101-64132;11101-64133;11101-64141;11101-64150;11101-64151;11101-64160;11101-64161;11101-64170;11101-64171;11101-64180;11101-64181;11101-64190;11101-64191;11101-64200;11101-64211;11101-64220;11101-64221;11101-64230;11101-64240;11101-64250;11101-64251;11101-64261;11101-64270 More
Part Number 90201-22010

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