Spring Washer

About this product

The Spring Washer (#94512-00600) is a critical Drive-Chassis part in the Steering Column & Shaft system of your Toyota vehicle. As a vital component of the steering system, it plays a key role in maintaining the tension and reducing the looseness between the steering components. When your vehicle is in motion, the spring washer aids in absorbing and distributing shock to ensure better steering control and stability. Due to the constant pressure and wear, periodic replacement of the Spring Washer (#94512-00600) is necessary. If it becomes old or broken, it could lead to a loose or unstable steering system, potentially resulting in unsafe driving conditions. As a genuine Toyota part, the Spring Washer (#94512-00600) is specifically designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle and is covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, this crucial auto part significantly contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's steering system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90118-06112;42101-10013;19000-60041;94513-00600;36360-60010;19000-60032;19000-60031;17209-60010;45101-20031;47550-19025;84512-00600;11401-60041;11400-60011;11401-60040;11400-60012;11401-60011;11400-60013 More
Part Number 94512-00600

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