
About this product

The Washer (#SU003-02903), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Propeller Shaft & Universal Joint system, holds the responsibility for maintaining the stability and alignment of the system. It plays a fundamental role in operation by evenly distributing the load of the threaded fastener, such as a screw or nut, which aids in preventing loosening due to vibration or torque. The Washer (#SU003-02903), when worn out or non-functional, can lead to misalignments or instability within the system, potentially leading to hazardous situations. Therefore, periodic replacement is crucial for maintaining the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle. By choosing genuine Toyota parts like the Washer (#SU003-02903), you not only secure compatibility with your vehicle but also benefit from the credibility of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This Washer (#SU003-02903) significantly contributes to the operational efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02903

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