Transfer Output Washer

About this product

The Transfer Output Washer (#36275-35020), a fundamental Drive-Chassis part in the Transfer Gear system of Toyota vehicles, plays an essential role in maintaining the drivetrain's integrity. This washer aids in the seamless transition of torque from the transmission to the vehicle's differentials, ensuring optimal performance. It operates alongside other components, such as the transfer case and output shaft, with which it interacts directly. However, like any other auto component, the Transfer Output Washer (#36275-35020) requires periodic replacement. An aged or broken washer can cause operational inefficiency, potentially leading to gear slippage or even complete drivetrain failure. By using genuine Toyota parts, you not only maintain vehicle compatibility but also receive the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Therefore, regular replacement with a genuine Toyota Transfer Output Washer (#36275-35020) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle's drivetrain system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36275-35020

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