
About this product

The Weatherstrip (#68170-90300), a crucial body part in the Front Door Panel & Glass system, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the vehicle's interior environment, preventing external elements such as water and dust from entering the car. It works by forming a seal between the car's door and the body, ensuring a snug fit. This part is a component that needs regular replacement, especially when it shows signs of wear and tear, such as cracking or hardening. Neglecting to replace a worn-out weatherstrip can lead to interior damage as water and dust infiltrate the vehicle. Additionally, a faulty weatherstrip can allow wind noise to infiltrate the cabin, compromising the driving experience. With genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is not a concern, and all parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Weatherstrip (#68170-90300), therefore, plays a significant part in ensuring the vehicle's overall safety and efficiency by maintaining a clean, dry, and quiet interior environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 67200-60021;67200-90312;68170-60010;67100-90312;67200-90314;67100-60021
Part Number 68170-90300

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