Back Door Weatherstrip Right Hand

About this product

The Back Door Weatherstrip Right Hand (#68291-90301), a paramount Body part in the Back Door Panel & Glass system, serves to seal the rear of the vehicle against environmental elements like rain, wind, and dirt. It functions by creating a secure seal when the back door is closed, preventing these elements from entering the vehicle or damaging the door itself. Essential components of this part are the durable rubber strip and an adhesive layer to ensure a tight fit. As with all auto parts, the Back Door Weatherstrip Right Hand (#68291-90301) requires periodic replacement as it can become brittle, wear out, or get damaged over time, which could lead to water leaks, wind noise, or possible rust issues. Genuine Toyota parts like these not only offer vehicle compatibility but are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In summary, a functioning Back Door Weatherstrip Right Hand (#68291-90301) significantly enhances the overall performance of the Back Door Panel & Glass system, contributing to the safety and comfort of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 68291-60020;68291-90300
Part Number 68291-90301

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