Front Door Weatherstrip #2 Left Hand

About this product

The Front Door Weatherstrip #2 Left Hand (#67864-AC010), a vital component in the Side Moulding system of Toyota vehicles, works diligently to provide insulation and protection from external elements. This Body part forms a seal that prevents water, wind, and dust from entering your vehicle, contributing to a comfortable and secure driving experience. Over time, with constant exposure to weather and usage, the Front Door Weatherstrip #2 Left Hand (#67864-AC010) may wear out or break, compromising its sealing ability. When this occurs, external elements may infiltrate your vehicle, potentially damaging its interior and hindering its performance. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is crucial for optimal vehicle functionality. By maintaining the integrity of your Front Door Weatherstrip #2 Left Hand (#67864-AC010), you are enhancing the overall longevity and efficiency of your vehicle. Additionally, replacing with genuine Toyota parts gives you Toyota's genuine parts warranty, affirming your vehicle's compatibility and performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 67864-AC010

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