Roof Side Rail Weatherstrip Right Hand

About this product

The Roof Side Rail Weatherstrip Right Hand (#62381-AE012), a critical Body part in the Inside Trim Board system, is primarily responsible for sealing the gap between the roof and the doors of a Toyota vehicle. Its function is to keep out moisture, wind, and noise, enhancing the comfort and tranquility of the cabin. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Roof Side Rail Weatherstrip Right Hand (#62381-AE012), are highly compatible with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, weatherstrips can degrade, leading to leaks, drafts, and increased noise levels inside the vehicle. Thus, periodic replacement of this part is crucial to maintain optimal vehicle comfort and protection. The presence of a functioning Roof Side Rail Weatherstrip Right Hand (#62381-AE012) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle by helping to maintain the integrity of the vehicle's cabin.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 62382-AE010;62381-AE010
Part Number 62381-AE012

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