Window Weatherstrip

About this product

The Window Weatherstrip (#62741-90303), a crucial Toyota Autoparts body piece in the Side Window system, serves a primary role in sealing the vehicle’s windows. This component effectively prevents water, wind, and other external elements from entering the car, ensuring a secure and comfortable ride. With time and use, the Window Weatherstrip (#62741-90303) can become worn out or damaged, which can lead to leaks and drafts, adversely affecting the vehicle's interior and potentially damaging other components. This underscores the need for its periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts for optimal vehicle compatibility. All genuine parts, including the Window Weatherstrip (#62741-90303), are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining the integrity of the Side Window system, the Window Weatherstrip (#62741-90303) indirectly contributes to the vehicle's overall safety and efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 62741-90303

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