Weight #4 Crossmember Damper

About this product

The Weight #4 Crossmember Damper (#51259-60040), a crucial body part in the Frame system of Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in enhancing the vehicle's stability and ride comfort. Functioning in unison with the chassis, this damper weight significantly reduces the powertrain vibrations transmitted to the vehicle body. Over time, this part may wear or become damaged, compromising its functionality. A malfunctioning Weight #4 Crossmember Damper (#51259-60040) could lead to increased vibrations and discomfort during rides, making periodic replacement critical for maintaining an optimal driving experience. Using genuine Toyota parts not only ensures compatibility but also offers peace of mind, as they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Alongside other components in the Frame system, a well-functioning Weight #4 Crossmember Damper (#51259-60040) contributes to the overall driving stability and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 51259-60030
Part Number 51259-60040

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