Wheel Disc

About this product

The Wheel Disc (#42611-35301), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in Toyota's Disc Wheel & Wheel Cap system, plays a primary role in maintaining wheel balance and stability. This part works in harmony with the wheel cap and tire to provide a smooth and safe ride. Genuine Toyota Wheel Disc (#42611-35301)s are essential for vehicle compatibility and performance, and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, Wheel Disc (#42611-35301)s can deteriorate or even become damaged, necessitating replacement. If ignored, a failing Wheel Disc (#42611-35301) can lead to instability, reduced handling, and increased wear on other wheel components, impacting safety and performance. In conclusion, the Toyota Wheel Disc (#42611-35301) is not only a key contributor to the smooth operation and efficiency of your vehicle, it's an important safety component. Regular maintenance and replacement of this part can significantly improve the vehicle's overall performance and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 42611-35300;42611-35310;42611-60390;42611-60400;42611-35311
Part Number 42611-35301

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