Temporary Spare Wheel

About this product

The Temporary Spare Wheel (#4261B-0R010), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in Toyota's Disc Wheel & Wheel Cap system, plays a pivotal role in instances of tire punctures or blowouts. It provides a short-term replacement, allowing your vehicle to remain mobile while you seek a full-size replacement. Genuine Toyota parts like this are essential for compatibility, and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Temporary Spare Wheel (#4261B-0R010)'s function is simple yet vital - carrying the vehicle's weight and maintaining road contact when the regular wheel is compromised. However, because they're designed for temporary use, prolonged use can stress vehicle components and even compromise safety. Replacement is hence critical before the spare wheel outlives its intended use period. A worn or damaged spare can fail when you most need it, causing additional damage or potentially leading to accidents. In conclusion, the Temporary Spare Wheel (#4261B-0R010) is a safety-critical component in the Disc Wheel & Wheel Cap system, ensuring your Toyota vehicle remains operable in emergency situations.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 4261B-0R010

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