Wiper Assembly F Lhd

About this product

The Wiper Assembly F Lhd (#SU003-10020), a crucial component in the Windshield Wiper system, plays a primary role in maintaining clear visibility for drivers during adverse weather conditions. This electrical part functions by using a motor to move the wiper blades across the windshield, effectively removing rain, snow, or debris. The wiper assembly includes several components such as the motor, linkage, and wiper blades. Over time, the efficiency of the wiper assembly can decline due to wear and tear, potentially affecting the driver's visibility during inclement weather. Therefore, it's essential to periodically replace this part with genuine Toyota Autoparts to maintain optimum performance. Genuine parts are not only compatible with your Toyota vehicle, but they are also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, a well-functioning wiper assembly contributes significantly to the overall safety of your vehicle by ensuring clear visibility even in adverse weather conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-10020

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