Instrument Panel Wire Assembly

About this product

The Instrument Panel Wire Assembly (#82140-0N010) is a crucial component within Toyota's Body Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment and Electrical Wiring & Clamp systems. Operating as the primary link between the vehicle's electrical gadgets and their power sources, this assembly directs electrical currents to the necessary places, ensuring functionality. Components involved in its operation include the wiring harness, connectors, and terminals. Over time, the assembly may deteriorate, leading to electrical failures that can affect the vehicle's performance. Consequently, timely replacement of this genuine Toyota part, which comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, becomes essential. A malfunctioning Instrument Panel Wire Assembly (#82140-0N010) can result in safety risks, such as failure of critical dashboard indicators. Thus, this part not only contributes significantly to the operative efficiency of the vehicle but also to its safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 82140-30020
Part Number 82140-0N010

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