Back Door Wire #1

The Back Door Wire #1 (#821850C020), a significant component in Toyota's Electrical/Wiring & Clamp system, plays a paramount role in transmitting electrical signals to various parts of the vehicle's back door. This includes the lock and unlocking mechanism, window operation, and any other electronic features included in the back door system. Using genuine Toyota parts like the Back Door Wire #1 (#821850C020) promotes optimal vehicle compatibility, as these parts are specifically designed for your model of Toyota. Additionally, these parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like any electrical part, over time, the Back Door Wire #1 (#821850C020) can become worn, or even break. If it does, your back door's electrical features may cease to function properly. Regular replacement of this component is recommended to maintain the functionality and safety of your vehicle. Overall, the Back Door Wire #1 (#821850C020) is integral to the safe and efficient operation of your Toyota's back door mechanism.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82185-0C020

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